1/48 F-15SG conversion sets

Have you done/seen enough regular F-15Es? This set is for you! This very comprehensive set contains all the parts you need to convert your kit (3 sets sized for GWH, Revell-Monogram or Academy) into Singapore’s Strike Eagles. Decals can be sourced from Miliverse.

The sets are very comprehensive, their contents depend on your base kit:
GWH set
Revell-Monogram set
Basic Academy set
Academy set
AVertical stabs top antennaeXX Already in kit X
BTail boomsXXXX
CGE F110-129 engine exhausts for F-15XXAlready in kitX
DLarge GPS antenna aft of the airbrakeXXXX
ESmall GPS antenna right of airbrakeAlready in kitXAlready in kit Already in kit
FLeft wing antenna & Nose landing gear door antennaXXX X
GMAWS antennaeXXXX
H/IFront/Aft instrument panelsXXAlready in kit Already in kit
KTiger Eyes IRSTXXAlready in kit Already in kit
LLAU-128+ADU-552Already in kit XAlready in kit Already in kit
MCFT enlarged pylonsXXAlready in kit Already in kit
NCFT small scoopXXXX
Regular price46€54€27€42€
The sets are awesome value for money

Not only are the sets very comprehensive and high quality, they also represent excellent value for money.

Here is an estimation of the total price of the sets if the items were bought separately. Items prices are estimated taking into consideration available items of similar use, size and complexity (e.g., the Tiger Eyes pod is compared with other resin sensor pods, the engine exhausts with similar engine exhausts etc)

Price of comparable item
if bought separately
AVertical stabs top antennae7€
BTail booms14€
CGE F110-129 engine exhausts for F-1520€
DLarge GPS antenna aft of the airbrake2€
ESmall GPS antenna right of airbrake2€
FLeft wing antenna & Nose landing gear door antenna2€
GMAWS antennae5€
H/IFront/Aft instrument panels6€
KTiger Eyes IRST7€
MCFT enlarged pylons25€
NCFT small scoop2€
Total of individual items prices (note: this is just an exercise, the items will mostly not be available individually!)

F-15 Fighting Eagles from the 428th Fighter Squadron, arrived at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, Nov. 19, 2015. The F-15s came in support of the training exercise Forging Saber from Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho. Forging Sabre is an exercise involving the 428th FS, Luke AFB 425th FS and members of the Republic of Singapore armed forces and will be held Dec. 1-13. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman James Hensley)
A Republic of Singapore air force F-15SG leads a multi-nation dissimilar aircraft formation alongside a Royal Thai air force JAS-39 Gripen and a U.S. Air Force F-16C Fighting Falcon during COPE Tiger 2019 at Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, March 21, 2019. COPE Tiger is an annual multilateral aerial exercise aimed at improving combat readiness and interoperability between the Republic of Singapore air force, Royal Thai air force, and U.S. Air Force, while concurrently enhancing the three nations’ military relations. (Photo courtesy of MINDEF SINGAPORE)

A Singapore air force F-15SG Strike Eagle takes off at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, Oct. 16, 2013. The flight was part of Mountain Roundup, a massive multi-service, multi-national exercise. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Samuel Morse/Released)

13 thoughts on “1/48 F-15SG conversion sets

  1. How to order?

    1. By clicking on the “How to order” tab on the top left of the page 😉

      1. Hello. Is it still available for purchase? Thanks

        1. Hello,
          Yes as BAM48021 (for GWH) and BAM48022 (for Revell-Monogram)

  2. Good afternoon. Are you going to make the conversion sets n BAM 48011 also in 1/32? with different tail booms you could offer the conversion set also for Korean F 15K. A lot of modelers from all over the world and me have their Tamiya F 15E 1/32 waiting for it.

    Best regards Maurizio Italy

    1. Dear Maurizio,
      Yes a 1/32 conversion set will happen, I just need to receive the Tamiya kit myself and this will take a couple of months 🙂

  3. How about a conversion for the F-15EX Eagle II?

    1. Hi Eric, the EX is in the pipeline and should be released in about a month. You can follow all BAM announcements and news on our FaceBook page 🙂

      1. Thanks Arno. Will it include the additional wing pylon stations?

        1. Not at this point as I could not find a single picture of them, but as soon as I do I’ll work on an add-on set 😉

  4. Hi, do you have 1/72 F15SG conversation set?
    Any plans to produce?

    1. This might well happen – first out will be the 1/32 sets for the Tamiya big F-15E 😉

  5. Arno – I’ll buy the EX conversion set, if you can include the Sta 1/9 pylons.
    I’ve been compiling info to scratch build the pylons. Drop me a mail and I can share with you what I have.

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